Been a while since I've been here. I needed to take a break for sure. I'm still with my WH, for...reasons.
Anyway, this just happened the other day and I wanted to get some other perspectives from both Waywards and Betrayed.
My WH has a female friend at work. I have asked that he not give out his number to any woman whom I do not know and am not friends with. I felt that he was actively trying to push us to be friends and I can guess why
. I felt really pressured and not ready for him to have a female friend at all so I asked him not to talk about her/bring her up as just hearing her name triggered me. He complied. I already knew that he did not hold the same boundaries that I do, and that he thought some of things I asked him not to talk about/do were "no big deal".
The other day he casually mentioned that this woman was getting a divorce (and that he wasn't supposed to tell anyone because she had asked him to keep it secret), that her husband was jealous, thought she was cheating, didn't like her going out all the time etc. And, that she was pretty sure he was cheating on her because, well, why not I guess, since she is cheating too. My heart broke into pieces again because in my opinion, he should not know such intimate details about their marriage.
I told him I was hurt to hear this because I thought it was inappropriate conversations going on between them. His initial reaction was to ask what exactly was inappropriate about it. Of course that made my heart sink because how does he think this is OK? I also told him that it made me wonder what WH was sharing with her about us, and how much intimate knowledge might she have about him, me, our relationship etc.
His next response was to say that he didn't like that I immediatly thought he was guilty. That I had already assumed he was guilty of something. I asked what it was that I thought he was guilty of, and he said that I accused him of telling her intimate things about us and our relationship. I told him I hadn't done that, that his words had made me wonder IF WH was also oversharing. Because I have made it clear that I need him to have full, walls up, impenitrable boundaries with other women.
He eventually did validate my feelings. That he heard me and understood why I felt the way I did. He said he understood what I wanted. I responded with "But you don't agree with it.". He didn't really answer that, instead he told me that from what he understood, I merely wanted him to know how I felt and to hear it. Which told me that yeah, he doesn't agree with my assessment that he's been haveing inappropriate conversations with another woman. Even if it's just listening to her complain about her husband, which, lets face it, I'm sure is more than that. I did tell him that I didn't appreciate that another woman was discussing her issues in her relationship with my husband and that I expect my husband to put a stop to it. That he needs to tell her she should have those conversations with a female friend, and that it made him uncomfortable. He said he didn't think he would ever be able to tell anyone to stop talking about something. So...
Also, I received no reasurance, nor did I get any comfort. In fact, I initiated a hug minutes later because I needed one.
So, is it too much to ask to have strong boundaries? And is this kind of conversation OK? I feel like if there was no history of infidelity or shit boundaries with other women, it might be, but as it is, I feel like it is another betrayal. Like he is not respecting me and protecting our relationship. That because he doesn't want to feel uncomfortable (telling this woman to stop sharing so much), or hurt HER feelings, he's not going to enforce those boundaries at all.
What's the verdict? Am I off the rails? Honestly, I knew that he wouldn't change his behaviour, I even said so when I started talking to him. I know he isn't going to enforce boundaries, because they aren't his, if it was left up to him, there wouldn't be any at all. It's a real issue, and I don't really know how he expects me to trust him when this is the case.
I'm going to ask him to go the the therapist with me next week and maybe hearing it from her will shake something loose, but I'm wondering if I just need to focus on my own happiness without him because he still manages to hurt me with things that he should have already mastered.