Topic is Sleeping.
SatyaMom (original poster member #83919) posted at 1:19 PM on Saturday, December 21st, 2024
For those who know my story- married 25 years…post covid caught my WH in his new found hobby of prostitutes…..over a course of 3 months….Im one of the "lucky ones" no gas lighting, no trickle truth…he broke down- admitted all and immediately when on a path to healing ( IC, courses, reading, stop drinking, started exercising, full transparency ) I think we trauma bonded the first year while also trying to protect our college aged kids.
We are now at 15 months post DDay and I feel nothing. I have no desire for intimacy and just want to be left alone. I have hobbies and am involved in community activities as well as have good friends—right now I feel nothing towards him. Went to IC yesterday and she said something that stuck me— that perhaps the "amazing marriage" I had before all this- where we were both so strong and independent, wasn’t so amazing. Perhaps I was just strong enough to be the glue and the center - and now I dont want to do that anymore. My husband adores me and is so grateful Im still here, but I feel like I’m here because I simply dont want to put my family through the pain. I know it’s NOT my fault but I can’t seem to see the other side if we did separate. So I stay put and feel a bit like "I’ll take the bullet" I can handle it. I do believe I’d leave if anything happened again, Im trying to rebuild, I just realize he’s not the person I thought he was and I am disappointed.
Anyone else been here.???
Shehawk ( member #68741) posted at 2:48 PM on Saturday, December 21st, 2024
I am sure more people will be along to weigh in. I am so sorry you are going through this. Many people in this forum have experienced this sort of betrayal.
I think it’s natural to desire a man (or partner) who keeps you safe—your heart, your body, your emotions. That and carrying a fair share of the household and mental load make a man attractive to me.
"It's a slow fade...when you give yourself away" so don't do it!
sisoon ( Moderator #31240) posted at 3:00 PM on Saturday, December 21st, 2024
Maybe your pre-'A' M wasn't as good as you thought. I think a lot of our mythology leads women into the role of being the glue that keeps families together. The moment I read what you wrote I thought that my W would probably have 'taken the bullet' if I were the WS., and that wouldn't have really helped us.
Now that you know, you have a chance to change.
The POLF is part of recovery for many people. If feeling no interest in your H or M persists, that, to me, would be a sign the M is ending. But if the detachment is temporary, it's part of the ebb and flow of life.
Patience, sister. Patience.
fBH (me) - on d-day: 66, Married 43, together 45, same sex ap
DDay - 12/22/2010
Recover'd and R'ed
You don't have to like your boundaries. You just have to set and enforce them.
Cooley2here ( member #62939) posted at 3:26 PM on Saturday, December 21st, 2024
This is my own theory. You were very content in your marriage. Until. Until you were blindsided by what your h had been doing. It caused your stability to wobble.
Our bodies are designed to keep us safe. Cortisol and adrenaline are two hormones that stay unused until they are needed. They then flood our bodies. They are so powerful because they galvanize us to freeze, run or fight. The problem with these hormones is they become toxic if the stress does not go away. Our bodies are not designed to live with fear and anger for long periods of time. What many bs live with is finding out ws double lives and then not knowing what to do…children, houses, businesses, extended families, finances etc are holding them in a stagnant place. This constant bombardment of those hormones wears the body down until you hit an emotional wall. Your brain/body is exhausted. I think that is where you are. This is the Catch 22 bs live with. There is no good solution, and yet we yearn for one to get this pain to go away. That is why you need to figure out how to survive infidelity.
You can let go of expectations and live with what you’ve got. You can use therapy for that. You can separate to see what that feels like. You can divorce. One thing you need to recognize is the intense rage running your life right now. Until it has an outlet it is wearing your body out. Yoga, exercise, gardening are all way to expend energy in healthy ways.
When things go wrong, don’t go with them. Elvis
SatyaMom (original poster member #83919) posted at 3:45 PM on Saturday, December 21st, 2024
Maybe your pre-'A' M wasn't as good as you thought.
Maybe your pre-'A' M wasn't as good as you thought.
Yeah - seems to be the case :(
SatyaMom (original poster member #83919) posted at 3:51 PM on Saturday, December 21st, 2024
Yoga, exercise, gardening are all way to expend energy in healthy ways.
I am doing all that! Everything you said, I completely agree with
OnTheOtherSideOfHell ( member #82983) posted at 5:12 PM on Saturday, December 21st, 2024
For me, pre affair marriage had its ebbs and flows. If I am being honest there were times he was just a member of the family, a provider, and my children’s father. It was in those times I had to work to get the feelings back. And although I always loved him, I wasn’t always in romantic
Love at all. I think it’s unrealistic post affair to think those times would cease to exist in our marriage. Unfortunately, having a marriage scarred with infidelity leads to less incentive to work through the lulls in marriage, at least for me. I have to constantly remind myself "you are here because you choose to be and think it’s the best thing for you. If you still believe that work to make it the best you can. If you don’t feel that way anymore, leave".
[This message edited by OnTheOtherSideOfHell at 5:13 PM, Saturday, December 21st]
NoThanksForTheMemories ( member #83278) posted at 6:26 AM on Sunday, December 22nd, 2024
I have no desire for intimacy and just want to be left alone.
I was not one of the 'lucky' ones in how my WS behaved after dday, but regardless, I ended up in the same place as you around a similar time frame. I think it can take a long while (years) for us to really get through the shock, the instinctive urge to protect the attachment and stop the pain, and to process what has happened to us. It's pretty common for the feelings to fade as time goes one. That's probably why the statistics show that most attempts to reconcile fail after 2-5 years, not in the first year.
I'm a bit further along than you (2 years after dday1), and it took a bit more time to go from feeling flat to really wanting out. Maybe you'll get there, or maybe you'll rediscover your feelings after taking more time for yourself to heal.
WH had a 3 yr EA+PA from 2020-2022, and an EA 10 years ago (different AP). Dday1 Nov '22. Dday4 Sep '23. False R for 2.5 months. 30 years together.
The1stWife ( Guide #58832) posted at 7:00 AM on Sunday, December 22nd, 2024
The rose colored glasses are off. The harsh reality of your feelings cannot be ignored.
It’s unfortunate that the cheaters don’t understand the devastation a betrayal like cheating caused in your life. I’m not saying it would stop the cheating, but I believe most cheaters don’t think they will get caught. Therefore they don’t think about the consequences or outcome of what happens after they have cheated and their spouse/partner finds out.
They don’t understand the deep emotional impact the betrayed experiences.
The healing process is many years and there are typical cycles - anger, grief etc. It is almost like mourning a death - the death of the marriage you had or thought you had.
One of the things I had to accept was that he didn’t cheat b/c of anything I said or did. He cheated despite the fact that I was a very good wife and put him first constantly. My H used to tell me his friends would comment how they wished their wives were more like me - no nagging, considerate, etc.
Often the cheaters blame the betrayed. I immediately shut that down by telling my H he chose to cheat - not me. He can only blame himself for his stupid choices.
Once I freed myself from his web of blame the betrayed, I realized my H was not the person I thought he was. And I learned I am much stronger than I thought. He hides from conflict whereas I face it head on like an adult.
I used to think how lucky I was to find such a great husband. Now I think how lucky he was to have me.
And in my opinion, you should not feel like you have to take a bullet. Life is too short to waste being stuck in a marriage or relationship you no longer want to be in.
You have to let go of the guilt should you decide this M no longer works for you. You are not the cause of this - the cheater is. You are just refusing to accept a life of mediocrity.
[This message edited by The1stWife at 7:02 AM, Sunday, December 22nd]
Survived two affairs and brink of Divorce. Happily reconciled. 11 years out from Dday. Reconciliation takes two committed people to be successful.
HouseOfPlane ( member #45739) posted at 12:32 PM on Sunday, December 22nd, 2024
but I feel like I’m here because I simply dont want to put my family through the pain. I know it’s NOT my fault but I can’t seem to see the other side if we did separate. So I stay put and feel a bit like "I’ll take the bullet" I can handle it.
That sure reads as, "I am scared to take that leap so I am going to use my family’s pain as the excuse to stay." You are in a prison you’ve built for yourself.
Maybe step up close to the other side and look over the edge. Get a consult with an attorney or two to learn about your options and outcomes. Spend time checking on the real estate and apartment market. Daydream about a different possible future. Discuss it with your kids, even.
The closer to the edge you get, the more that staying will be a choice. If you stay, it is not be cause you are trapped, it is because you choose. Remove all the barriers so that there is nothing left but your choice, you are powerful, you are in control. And never leave that place.
Sending strength!
DDay 1986: R'd, it was hard, hard work.
“Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?”
― Mary Oliver
SatyaMom (original poster member #83919) posted at 3:37 PM on Sunday, December 22nd, 2024
. as, "That read as I am scared to take that leap so I am going to use my family’s pain as the excuse to stay."
Not the case. That’s your interpretation. I’m not scared. I have finances. A support system. I’m good. I am putting my kids above my self. I know that’s not ideal but I am a child of divorce and I know the pain. People telling me my kids will be ok - this is life altering. Our IC both say not necessary to give details unless we separate. They know we went thru a hard time and as I said it sucks but I don’t see another way right now. Pls don’t label me
HouseOfPlane ( member #45739) posted at 4:29 PM on Sunday, December 22nd, 2024
Ok, well I’m glad I’m wrong on that. The advice still stands…
I can’t seem to see the other side if we did separate
Go take a really good look at the other side. Remove the uncertainty.
[This message edited by HouseOfPlane at 7:07 PM, Sunday, December 22nd]
DDay 1986: R'd, it was hard, hard work.
“Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?”
― Mary Oliver
The1stWife ( Guide #58832) posted at 5:32 PM on Sunday, December 22nd, 2024
Hi S,
I understand you are trying to shield your children. And of course as moms (and dads), the betrayeds often put the children first. And often that is not a bad thing.
However I can tell you that I have good friends who D and they are friends with the Ex. The kids did not suffer - in fact they learned what a healthy relationship really is about.
I think you have to take a leap of faith in making decisions sometimes. And that leap of faith is telling yourself everything will work out, even though there are no guarantees.
I would hate to see you remain unhappy with your spouse, if deep down you know the marriage isn’t really what you want or no longer works for you.
I knew at dday2 when I realized my marriage was over — I knew I would be okay, happy and at peace.
I hope this helps you.
Survived two affairs and brink of Divorce. Happily reconciled. 11 years out from Dday. Reconciliation takes two committed people to be successful.
Webbit ( member #84517) posted at 8:37 PM on Sunday, December 22nd, 2024
OTOSOH - you have nailed it for me. There is no incentive at for me now to want to save the marriage if I feel I am not getting 100% what I want all the time. Which is impossible i know but it doesn’t stop me wanting it.
Right now if im being completely honest I feel exactly like you Satya. Other than my boy and convenience I don’t know why Im staying. I just don’t see the point of staying married to a cheater. Marriage means absolutely nothing now, plus I can feel us just being exactly who we were before the A so what it’s the fucking point!
crazyblindsided ( member #35215) posted at 5:19 PM on Tuesday, December 24th, 2024
right now I feel nothing towards him.
And sometimes it doesn't come back. You will know in time.
fBS/fWS(me):51 Mad-hattered after DD (2008)
XWS:53 Serial Cheater, Diagnosed NPD
DD(21) DS(18)
XWS cheated the entire M spanning 19 years
Discovered D-Days 2006,2008,2012, False R 2014
Divorced 8/8/24
Lostmybalance ( new member #84730) posted at 4:09 AM on Sunday, December 29th, 2024
Satya, I feel similar to you about taking a bullet to save my family. My situation is not the same, I am 12 months out from Dday, but still dealing with a WW in midlife crisis. We are over 26 years together (19 married), and we were happily married so I never saw it coming. This part you wrote:
"I’m here because I simply dont want to put my family through the pain. I know it’s NOT my fault but I can’t seem to see the other side if we did separate. So I stay put and feel a bit like "I’ll take the bullet" I can handle it. I do believe I’d leave if anything happened again, Im trying to rebuild, I just realize he’s not the person I thought he was and I am disappointed."
I appreciate everyone’s support on this site and I understand the suggestions, but I still struggle with the idea that my kids will have to pay the biggest price for WS’s actions. It may not be much help, but I feel your point.
sisoon ( Moderator #31240) posted at 3:03 PM on Sunday, December 29th, 2024
Your kids pay the price one way or another - either they lose their father or the live in a broken home, and a lot adults say they wish they had been from a broken home instead of in one. So D mat be less of a trauma than you think it is.
Also, if you're going to D, the sooner, the better, IMO. Alas, my opinion is based on observing one child, my GS. He's been dealing with shit from his parents for his whole life. The D came about 5 years ago. He's now 15, and he's coming into his own, though his relationships with his parents are not good. But he's healing somewhat, less than I had hoped, but I think the isolation of Covid was an extra trauma that affects virtually all kids.
I think he's a lot closer to healed than he would be if his parents had split 3 years ago instead of 5. Alas, that's only one observation; I don't know what's best for your kids ... but they may be better off if you lead a life not feeling as if you're taking a bullet.
I know it's a terrible choice to have to make.
fBH (me) - on d-day: 66, Married 43, together 45, same sex ap
DDay - 12/22/2010
Recover'd and R'ed
You don't have to like your boundaries. You just have to set and enforce them.
SatyaMom (original poster member #83919) posted at 11:52 AM on Monday, December 30th, 2024
We had some interesting conversations over the holidays….both our kids feel we are "lucky" to have an intact family and "parent who really love each other". I believe my husband loves me. He is so remorseful. I also believe it had nothing to do with me. Self soothing is real, depression is real….why men would pick sex as a self soother is beyond me….statistically women turn towards alcohol more often. I am working towards healing…..focusing on his never ending remorse and the work he has done.. Im in limbo- waiting and watching……focusing on MYSELF. Doing whatt I want to do….and still trying to figure out out what that is….I appreciate all the comments and support.
DobleTraicion ( member #78414) posted at 12:24 PM on Monday, December 30th, 2024
In answer to your initial question:
Why do I feel likeI have to take a bullet to save my family?
The answer for me was a misplaced sense of responsibility. Severe "white knight syndrome". I had to save the day. Be the bigger person. Its part of my story. I was a young husband and father back then with small children when it all happened. I stayed, in large part, for my kids. So began the most miserable decade Ive ever lived before it all ended. I deeply regret staying now. Oh, there were a lot of reasons, but truth is, I was dead inside toward her. The romantic love I had for her was assassinated and never came back. I mishandled things for sure and made many mistakes which Ive lined out in another post, but at the epicenter of it, love had been shot through the heart. All that was left was going through the motions hoping things would change for the better (smoked a lot of hopium back then) including putting on a happy face in front of others. It was brutal. We were both different people after it all happened, and it was evident that those two had become incompatible.
I have since built the life I always longed for with another amazing woman, also a survivor of a brutal betrayal. It is only now, that life has slowed a tad, kids grown and grandbabies arrived that Ive really been able to dig deeper in reflection of those dark days. I have learned a lot in doing so.
Though we are at far different places in our lives when the treason took place, the title of your post is true of us both.
I wish you well.
[This message edited by DobleTraicion at 2:04 PM, Monday, December 30th]
"We are slow to believe that which, if believed, would hurt our feelings."
~ Ovid
Bigger ( Attaché #8354) posted at 1:58 PM on Monday, December 30th, 2024
Why do I feel likeI have to take a bullet to save my family?
Satay – this is a self-inflicted bullet...
The hand holding the gun is yours, and it’s YOU that’s aiming at your heart.
I honestly feel – and have shared several times here – that the base of a good marriage is the realization that the ONLY reason it exists is because both partners want to be there. That’s it...
Sometimes that interest can get tested. Sometimes slightly (like when my wife hoovers during the game...), sometimes heavily. Sometimes by both, sometimes by one. But at the end-of-the-day... it’s enough that ONE of you says STOP and wants out.
It’s not an easy decision – but it is an option.
As I have in my tagline:
"If, therefore, any be unhappy, let him remember that he is unhappy by reason of himself alone."
You can change your "reason".
That does not automatically mean you divorce. But you can change things, and that change can possibly get you to one of two places: An improvement in the marriage OR a commitment to get out.
I’m going to suggest a few things:
For one – really evaluate what you want. Not only in marriage, but also in life. What can help you feel valued and happy.
Second – that gun to your head is there for a reason. Albeit a self-inflicted reason. If you really want to have given this marriage EVERYTHING then open up to your husband. Maybe the two of you find time together. No – not the movie, cuddle and sex type of time (although that’s fine...) but time to discuss finances, plan vacations, listen to him talk on about fishing, him listening to you share about quilts... whatever. Maybe even just time going to the theater, or a concert, or a walk... Time together. See if being around each other is nice, or a chore.
Third – you can only give as much happiness as you have. If – after a reasonable time of trying (if that’s what you want) your are still unhappy... maybe slither the gun and go the peaceful and accepted way of getting out of your marital-misery.
"If, therefore, any be unhappy, let him remember that he is unhappy by reason of himself alone." Epictetus
Topic is Sleeping.