How can you be in ‘love’?
This comes up often on here
. I was reading a devotional once on my Bible Study and found an article about how the word "love" was not in the Greek text in the Bible. There are actually FOUR words for the different types of "love"...agape, philia, storge, and eros. That was my AHA moment!! Breaking down each of these four types of love sure made sense as to why my H said he could love me while still cheating on me.
AGAPE: This type of love is the most NOBLE type of love...the most selfless type. This is the word that Paul used when he wrote the letter to the Corinthians that most people use in weddings. It is the one that starts with "Love is patient, love is kind...". When the word "love" appears in the Bible about how husbands and wives should "love" each is always the word "agape" that is used in that instance
PHILIA: This type of love is the kind of love that we freely give to people and/or objects. We LOVE pasta...or our friends hairdo...or our friend
. This type of love comes and goes as we evolve. I used to LOVE turtle soup, for instance. I wouldn't eat it now to save my life...just EWWW!!!
STORGE: This type of love is a familial type of love that builds special bonds over time. I believe this is the type of love my H had for me. He started his confession on Dday with, "I love you like I've never loved anyone else, but I don't think I am in love with you anymore". He was finally being truthful...after TWO freaking days of being home from overseas...and barely touching me
EROS: This type of love is an erotic type of love and is the most selfish type. This is the type of love that is dopamine fueled...and it doesn't last because it isn't sustaining. This was the type of love that I know my H and his adultery co-conspirator had for each other. When the adultery co-conspirator wrote a scathing reply to my H's NC message...and he saw her TRUE colors...he saw that SHE was lying to him just as much as HE was lying to her. Go figure...cheating liars lying to each other
When I looked at LOVE through the lens of these four types, I could certainly see how it evolved for us throughout the years. I don't know if my H had ever reached agape love for me before his A though. Honestly...I feel this was something I wasn't even giving him a chance to achieve. I had always been the giver in our relationship and never really allowed my H to be that way. He had no issue at all being the taker. That all changed on Dday. I believe this was probably the most profound change in our relationship...balancing out the "give and take"...and was one of the most easiest changes. This was an ultimatum from me though on Dday...that my H was going to be unselfish. It was non-negotiable. My H was willing to do whatever it took to keep me in his life...and he did it with a little setback here and there.
Once he started doing FOR me became something he actually ENJOYED doing
. One of my ultimatums was that for 2 times a month...he had to PLAN something just for ME. One of the outings he planned was a trip to the New Orleans Museum of Art when they had an exhibit of my favorite artist
. My H does NOT like going to art museums...but he did this for ME! Afterwards...when we were eating beignets...I asked him what his favorite part of the exhibit was. Without hesitation he said, "Seeing your eyes light up when you saw your artist's paintings"
. That made me smile
I don't know where you are in your recovery...but it is absolutely NORMAL to question EVERYTHING at first. How could you not??!! After you get some answers though...and start making the puzzle pieces to what your life really IS start to FIT...a picture will start to form again
. Healing is essential FIRST. But as you heal...R can also start...if BOTH of you are ready. R will not be successful if both parties are not ALL IN...but it can be a path to go down as you are both healing
. My H was adamant that R was the path he wanted to be on with me...even though I wasn't sure for the first 3 years. But we walked that path together...and I healed more and more every day. Moving forward is GOOD!! Like someone's tagline on here says...three steps forward and two steps back is still PROGRESS
A "perfect marriage" is just two imperfect people who refuse to give up on each other.
With God ALL things are possible (Matthew 19:26)
I AM happy again...It CAN happen!!!
From respect comes great love...sassylee