If he really wants you as leafields says he will wait and put the work in.
Yes, I'm curious as to whether he will continue the work or he'll allow himself to fall apart and wallow in self-pity. Guess what's happened every other time?
Your husband needs to understand that during separation it is healing time not reconciliation time.
This is what I'm hoping the CC can get through to him! I keep trying to say this, and his brain goes into panic/freeze mode, and he can't hear it. If you believe in attachment styles, his is clearly anxious-attachment. I've spent 30 years dealing with it, and I can't do it anymore.
If you relent based on his promises, he will blame you when his life gets difficult. IOW, you describe a setup for failure, a setup to bring on more pain. If he doesn't stop drinking and stop cheating for his own reasons, he won't truly change.
I've told him this. He doesn't want to believe it of course. He thinks it's fine to be motivated by a desire to save or marriage and win me back, etc., and I keep telling him he needs to make these changes because *he* believes it's the right move for *himself*, otherwise he will resent me if his actions don't lead to the desired reaction from me. Again, maybe our therapist can get him to see/believe this. He is resisting it so much. I don't know why it's so scary for him to just do something for himself.
Right now, you're in a zero-sum game - his pain goes up as yours goes down. His pain goes down as yours goes up. That's not good for anybody, and it's especially bad for him.
I've pointed this out to him, and he counters with "losing you and my marriage and time with my kid is also bad for me." He thinks somehow he can get to a place where he doesn't cause me pain. I don't know - when I look at him, especially when he is trying to be loving, all I see is the pain he caused. He seems to think that if he does the right things, he can get me past that, but it's been 2 years since dday1. I feel like I'm in a more emotionally stable place overall, but the pain of the past is just as intense.
My xWS promised me everything I had asked for when I finally decided to leave.
Ugh, why are they like this?? And you know, this isn't the first go-around. After dday2, when I went to see the lawyer, he swore to shape up. He did a few things. It lasted a few months. And then it fizzled out as other things became more interesting. Same thing again when we did in-house separation in August 2023. He signed up for the Affair Recovery waywards class. Was really into into for a while, made some good discoveries about himself, finally disclosed more voluntarily for the first time (a second AP 10 years ago!!) ... but then, after a couple months, started doing the "homework" at the last minute, didn't have any additional aha's ... fizzle.
WS has noticed that all his life, he works best under pressure. Meanwhile, I hate drama and strong emotion, so I do not enjoy being put in a position of having to apply pressure to get what I want. crazyblindsided, was this the same dynamic for you?