Hey SI friends,
Another non-update, aka I need to talk. ;)
Things, for me, have been anxiety ridden. His medical procedure is next week, and I’ve shelved the topic for the moment pending this procedure/results. But it hasn’t stopped me from feeling sad, hurt, afraid of his reaction when I want to discuss it, etc. I’m prone to random bursts of crying if I think about that fight for too long.
I honestly feel like a depression has settled over me since then. I’m trying to engage in my normal activities, be excited about DD’s pregnancy (which I am!), my new job is going really well, I’m just sad.
When he said he was ending our relationship and moving out, I remember sitting there quietly and thinking to myself, "I am not going to beg like I did with my ex…it did too much damage to me". And I let go…and I’m having a hard time reengaging.
Does that make sense? I’m trying to reengage, I really am. Trying to do our normal things, enjoy our normal banter, but I’m struggling.
He told me he ended our relationship to hurt me, because he was feeling hurt. He said I was just like his ex, and this felt just like his marriage. He said he didn’t love me "in that moment".
He hurt me on purpose.
This is where I am stuck.
First of all, I deserve unconditional love, and I deserve to have a partner that understands love is not a feeling, it’s a choice.
I am not denying that I said things that hurt him, but it was not deliberate, it was poorly delivered observations that were meant to be reflective, but instead it was hurtful.
I don’t think he sees a distinction between these things. Am I wrong here?
I also feel guilty. He sold his home to move in with me, the place where he raised his kids. He probably would have stayed there forever had he not moved in with me. If we can’t get things worked out, he’s in a position of buying something in a terrible housing market. I get this shouldn’t be part of my thought process, but it is. I feel that if he still owned his home that he would have left that day and it would have been over. I no longer feel secure in our relationship.
I don’t think he understands the damage that was done that day from my POV. I’m sure I will be accused of causing drama.
I’m sad.
I’m anxious.
I’m breathing in and out every day.
I’m trying to focus on good things that are happening - new job, grandbaby coming.
p.s. I’ve actually thought of reaching out to my therapist (or a therapist) for the first time in forever, but I’m reluctant to do that because I know what she will say: this is an unhealthy situation. That in and of itself is telling. I think if he’s honest, G5 would say our relationship has become stressful for him as well. I don’t think he was prepared for feeling so out of control when he sold his house and moved in here. Disclaimer: I’m making assumptions about his feelings.
[This message edited by nekorb at 2:47 PM, Saturday, March 1st]