You have the gist of it, more or less. The cheating happened (in as much as I know) in 2014. Ive got reasons to suspect much longer but no smoking guns. Only have admissions of behavior in 2014. We werent married until 2019. But lived as a committed cohabitating relationship from the get go.
I think your assessment is completely on the nose.
Ww is a scared person. She is terrified of surgery, illness, social scrutiny, abandonment, being older, unattractiveness, powerlessness, so many other things.
When she suffered as a teenager of bulimia, she lied to the point that her parents and medical professionals were convinced it was her gallblader. She would have been terrified of abdominal surgery; the pain, the anesthesia, the uncertain outcome. But she was so much more afraid of being found out and castigated for being a shameful bulimic that she went ahead and let it be done, even though she must have known she would continue purging after.
Did her priority of protecting herself from shame over all other fears change when she exchanged bulimia for cheating?
No. It wouldnt have.
Did the need served by both behaviors disappear in 2014 when she says she stopped cheating?
No. It wouldnt have.
So how did she serve it, all these years from 2014 to now? Its an ominous question.
I am, at the current moment, struggling to figure out what to do for next steps. I agree that MC is not going to do it. But I dont know what kind of counseling to solicit, where to find it. She was raised to reflexively avoid talking about her true feelings, shift them to the side, make it about something else, and hide hide hide.
And Ive watched her do that without meaning or wanting to with two therapists at this point whom we have had to fire after the cards turned over and we saw they had no plan.
It is exhausting and very disappointing to open myself up to a professional, force myself to trust them at the least trusting point in my life for half a year while I tell my most painful, to find out a long ways in that they arent on board.
Honestly, I am losing faith in people. Its hitting me from all sides. Wife, family, society, therapeutic professionals. The onslaught of letdowns has demoralized the living shit out of me.
So even though Im worn out and disinclined to go through intake and getting a new therapist caught up,
Im going to seek someone whose specialty is SA and infidelity. We have been dabbling a bit in self administered emdr for some time. It does help me with intrusive thoughts alot. Probably need to go to a pro with it. Maybe someone has both skillsets, Id like to find that person.