I can’t comment on feeling like a fraud because part of MY stipulations is he told everyone in our circle. My mom, dad, his mom, dad, his brother and our circle knows what he did, hell even both our bosses did! Mostly because I had to call off work and his boss worked with her too.
He told most of them. I will say that when his mom found out and she cried like a baby asking him how he could ever… something changed in him and he sobbed, I won’t ever forget that day. That was the day she stepped up and helped us babysit and was more involved in our life to help support our marriage. I’ll never forget calling her and telling her "your son is snorting cocaine and addicted to porn as well and we need an intervention , come over". She was there that day ready to help.
I remember my mom was the LAST person I told. She never has been a fan of him (mostly due to politics and that they are so different ) I was afraid to tell her , afraid she would hate him. the opposite happened, they are EXTREMELY closer. He promised to love me and change to be a better parent to our kids and as angry as my mom was she forgave him and always tells me " yes he messed up but he’s changing and doing the right thing for you now, that should mean something." My dad cheated on my mom and never tried to change. She has a very high respect for my H for how far he’s came , she’s much more forgiving than me.
His bother and him are closer , he holds him accountable but also realized that they had childhood trauma and they bonded over trying overcome it and try communicate their feelings now. My dad was disappointed but obv didn’t hold it against him because my dad was a cheater too and is just happy he’s changing.
So the flip side is this.
It’s also equally hard. I hate knowing we’ve grown so far and so much and as much as I "brag" about how great he is now and how much he’s grown , we will forever be known as the couple that has an affair in their marriage. I try to push it down and tell myself I don’t care what they think but I do. No one judges us outwardly but I’m sure they do internally.
At first it was easy to announce to the world to our friends , family church, etc. now it’s hard. It’s hard because some people I wish we didn’t tell , I wish I could be a "fraud". I wish I could fake this perfect marriage but we can’t and as much as I hate it on the flip side we were "real". We were "messy". We made mistakes and he fucked up a lot bu we are trying, we are learning, we are teaching , and we are just real life imperfect people.
I’m sorry I don’t have advice I can only show you the flip side and I think both comes with its problems and worries but I think if I had it do it again I think I would tell people. Then support so much outweighed the judgement. We leaned a lot about the people that truly loved us and the ones that were "competing" with us. My h also was also held accountable by more than just me. - his parents, his daughter, his therapist, his friends. So many people showed support I was blown away. Only a few people overstepped their boundaries and for that I can say that I’m glad we told people, it’s been a year and it isn’t a subject that’s brought up with the people unless I bring it up , and since my h and I grew and learned to communicate, it isn’t much. I’ve learned to not vent to people.
When I’m being triggered or around his family and I’m upset it’s nice to know I don’t have to explain or hide it. I can show my feelings amd my emotions and I’m so thankful they are si kind. They def didn’t take sides and are really rooting for our marriage.
Trust your gut, do what you think is right, don’t allow people to judge you, everyone has issues, this I have learned a lot of in the last year. We all just want to have that picture perfect marriage. I shared a lot and a lot of people shared with me, humility goes a long way.
I’m not asking you to shout it from the rooftops or to tell your whole family , I’m just sharing how it helped us.
His mom watched our kids during therapy, my mom comes for date nights to baby sit, when he quit his job his parents stopped charging us rent , my boss gave me time off, his old boss forgave him for lying and still recommended him for other jobs.
Idk maybe we got lucky or maybe it’s good karma for trying to help others , be true to ourselves; and be on the right and honest path :) regardless, none of it was easy.
I wish you the best Webbit!
[This message edited by Groot1988 at 5:04 AM, Wednesday, February 5th]