13 months from DD and have been struggling for a long time now, increasingly, with knowing what is true, has been true. Doubting my own memories, perceptions and justifications. This might turn into a bit of a ramble as I try to get my thoughts straight, but I'm wondering if others perhaps struggle with the same thoughts?
I've always had a pretty black and white approach to truth. Obviously I know there are always as many variations of truth as humans involved in any matter, and one single objective truth is always hard to come by. But at least I've always been fairly certain of MY truth, my view, my memories, my role in things etc. Lately, I am losing this certainty. I am doubting everything, even my own memories, my own perspective and my own feelings.
I used to be so sure that I knew who my H was. We can never know any person completely obviously, but having been together for more than half our lives, I thought I had a pretty decent picture of who he was. I also thought I knew who we were, as a couple and family, and by extension, who I was. As we all know ass BSs, DD brings this house of cards all crashing down and suddenly it's like we have no idea who we are living with anymore.
Early on I noticed my WH suffering from some typical 'fog' of sorts but most of that cleared up pretty quickly and he snapped out of it. However, now I'm starting to think as time passes, have I been in my own sort of fog of sorts as well? and what then has the 'truth' been? We talk about the rosy coloured glasses coming off and our spouses coming off the pedestal on DD. That part is still pretty straight forward and logical to me. But the more complicated issue now is I am starting to question everything. Not just from the 2,5 months the A was ongoing, but all the way back, 20+ years we've been together. Now I don't just question who he has been, what our marriage has been, but also who I have been and what I THOUGHT I was and we were. A few things have contributed to this besides the A itself obviously:
Immediately after DD he gave me full access to all his accounts. As I delved deep into his social media years back to check if there had been other As, I realised he had sides to him, not just in the affair, but with his colleagues and friends that I never really knew he had. Obviously we all work this way, we aren't the exact same person with two people. Different people and situations bring out different sides to us, locker room jokes with the guys aren't meant for the wife's ears and so forth, but still this has made me think have I ever really known him at all? There are just so many sides to him I have never had access to for all this time, so many 'secrets' I suppose they feel like even thought they aren't exactly that, just sides of a person I haven't seen. Nothing shocking or disturbing, just new and that's unnerving.
We were in trouble in our M long before the affair. I know this for sure and it isn't a construction of his fog after the fact, because we were in MC a year before it started and I was the one who dragged him there as a last ditch effort to salvage us because I had been deeply unhappy for years. However, I was pretty sure I knew back then that I was the more unhappy one, and to be frank, that he was the bad guy (even before the affair) and the one that needed to pull his head out of his ass to save our marriage. I was also completely certain he would never leave, that I would be the one to leave if anyone, and that he would never cheat (HAH what an idiot I was), in fact, I thought if anyone would be more prone to cheat it would be me, as I was so desperately unhappy but still in love with him. DD hit like a ton of bricks and even though his unhappiness in no way excuses his A and he hasn't used it as an excuse either apart from maybe the first 24h, it still shocked me to find out in MC that also he had been so severely unhappy in our marriage as well. He had always just communicated that the only thing he wished to change was for me to stop complaining basically. He never really expressed any unhappiness apart from me complaining about how unhappy I was. (yes he's severely avoidant). This has forced me to some uncomfortable introspection, which hasn't exactly been made easier by his A that makes me feel entitled to feeling like he is the bad guy that needs to fix things and I am the traumatised victim. But obviously we also need to look at the issues going back way before the A, and in those I am not innocent.
I've been talking with one close female friend about this for years and writing in my diaries so I have a written record of our issues and my own unhappiness in the M. However, I am, to a fault, extremely romantic, sentimental and attached and this has filtered the way I've viewed our lives together. So even through all our issues I always felt so in love with my WH. I really wore rose tinted glasses, not just towards him, but our relationship. I always had this idea and feeling we were still despite our troubles meant to be, special and all that laadidaa. I wonder if this isn't in part what kept us afloat for many years, my wanting us, him, our life so much that I just loved us back to life again and again. And he just never left I guess but was very passive. This has meant that even though we struggled, my image of our years together has been mostly positive. I view our years together as slightly troubled but good. Not so for my WH. When WH first started saying that we have been in big trouble and not happy for the most part for years I protested and felt it was his fog rearing it's head, something to justify or minimise the impact of his A. Like it wasn't as bad if the marriage he broke was already broken. But lately I've started to think, maybe this isn't his fog, maybe it's MY fog? my rosy coloured fog? I'm starting to think that I have wanted and needed this M so badly (reasons to that is an entire novel due to Childhood PTSD so lets not go there) that I have managed to always put them back on after every horrible argument or issue where I during the years felt I can not do this anymore. I always managed to lure out that loving feeling for him and patch things up again and I've maintained this image of us as this wonderful couple that fights but loves so deeply. Now I am wondering, was I the one in the fog all along? Was I viewing us and him and myself through my rosy filter? And for how long? I suppose the 'objective truth' if ever there is one, lies somewhere in the middle between my rosy picture of who we were and his darkened A-fog version, but I am struggling these days to discern even my own truth. Much less ours.
I always felt I was so in love with him, but I am learning in MC that I wasn't acting loving towards him and he did not feel loved by me. I know this is true (and not just fog) as I was bitter and unhappy for so many years, I know I was unforgiving and harsh. So then who was I really? My picture of myself has been the unhappy loving wife, but is that who I was only in my head and not who I in fact acted as? (again none of this has been discussed as an excuse or explanation to the A) so then, which is true? both I guess, but then both versions of what went on is also true? As are our versions of what our marriage has been like the past several years. Those of you who have read my previous threads know I also was completely sure I had not had an A of my own and now post DD and learning about all types of As in books and MC have had to face the fact that I probably had an EA earlier without at the time realising that was what I had. Again something that makes me doubt my own wits and feelings and perceptions which is just maddening. How could I not have realised? All of this has me questioning everything and it feels like falling down a rabbit hole. It's one thing to not be sure who you've been sharing your life with for the past 20+ years, or what your marriage has been, but what if you don't even know who you have been yourself and if who you thought you were is true or not? Not just in regards to what you were to your WH, but in general. How does one find one's footing again in this mess where you no longer know anything at all to be true? When there is nothing certain to hod on to anymore? It's unnerving to think I may have been lying to myself about everything for years and years. I feel completely lost.