The more you post about her,the more she sounds like the OW in my situation.
I responded much like you..basically ignoring her.
What did that get me? She stalks me. It's been over a decade. She even found me here. My ex friend told her I posted here. Unfortunately, I had recommended this site to that mutual friend, who came her as a new BS. She is no longer a mutual friend, obviously. Ow signed up,as a ws,cried she was being abused,etc. She wanted me to out her,so we could have it out,finally, on this very public forum. I refused.
Eventually, ow messaged my adult daughter, and sent her pics and details. It was horrific.
If you don't find a way to get her to leave you alone, this will continue, and she may end up doing the same thing when your kids become adults.
Personally, I'd leave this running group. Find another. The havoc she could bring isn't worth it.
[This message edited by HellFire at 8:52 PM, Friday, August 4th]