For me, the good feelings were enticing enough for me to create justifications around them. You tell yourself lies so you can do what you want.
I feel I have had a good track record for much of my adulthood in doing the right thing. But you can do the right thing more because you know that’s what is expected rather than having strong values around it.
For about a year or more leading up to the affair my life had gotten very out of control. I was working 7 days a week, very long days. Also a mom and a was the default parent for most everything, as well as the only one who took care of the house, bills, etc. I was a people pleaser and truly lost myself in all the doing. I became very depressed. I hated my life. The affair came at a time when I was honestly a numb, emotional desert. I had even been diagnosed right before with emotional exhaustion.
It doesn’t excuse my accountability in the affair, moreso just explaining my mental state a little bit when the affair began. I was on a business trip where we were in a group doing fun things. It was a time to let my hair down. While nothing happened in that trip physically, I had gone on a walk with the Ap. I had just said I wasn’t ready to go back to the hotel and extended the invitation to the group and he was the only one to take me up on it. I didn’t think anything of it, I traveled with men most of my career. I always had good boundaries with them and I had known the ap a long time. We walked and talked about all sorts of things and it felt good. He made an overture, I declined. But it felt good. Very good. He was a bit sheepish the next day, and I texted him to say have a good trip home. Again, I am a people pleaser and god forbid he feel uncomfortable.
But that too was just a lie and justification. I wanted more attention. I wanted to feel alive again. That took precedence for me, for a lot of reasons but I think the biggest one was a lack of commitment to my values.
And I think that boils it down to a lot of things:
1. Because we are selfish and it feels good
2. Because we don’t have a strong relationship with our values. Or maybe do not have the same values as someone who would not cheat.or because of being depressed our values may not feel as important.
3. Because we tell ourselves lies. We make ourselves believe we have made greater sacrifices to the marriage and deserve to have some fun. (Entitlement) when in reality we have stopped appreciating our spouse to recognize this isn’t true at all.
4. Because we seek external validation.
5. Because we don’t love ourselves, we don’t always receive the love our spouse is trying to give us.
6. Because we may be holding a lot of things in and that strangles our connection with our spouse. Yet, what I craved more than anything else as the connection I unknowing was blocking myself from having.
It’s possible only a few of these will apply to your husband but I think that every ws has some combo of these things going on.
[This message edited by hikingout at 9:37 PM, Friday, January 31st]