Hi all,
I’ve been lurking on this site for a few months now. So much has happened, and I think the reason I’m finally ready to post is because it’s finally all out.
Some background:
My husband and I have been married for 5 years, together 7. We have 4 daughters (3 together and 1 from a previous relationship). Until Dday 1, I really thought I had the perfect life. I thought I had the doting husband that was so obsessed and in love with his wife, we never fought- bickered some here and there but could always come together on our differences. He had been the best partner, carrying the weight of the household when I was pregnant, while still supporting us while I stayed home with the kids. He was, and is, the most incredible father. Truly, he loves his children and they love him. I could go on and on about how wonderful he is to our kids. but…
Hindsight is 20/20 and looking back, there were signs. Big ones, that I feel like I ignored and blindly trusted because the version of the man I know could never do anything like that. More on that later.
Dday 1: May 31st
I found a tinder login notification on my husbands apple watch. Intuition is a funny thing isn’t it? Age of course denied it at first, and then apologized profusely saying it was a one time thing- the usual lies they give. He eventually admitted to logging in a few times on dating apps over the years but nothing came of it. We started MC shortly after.
Dday 2: Sept. 9th
He didn’t, and still doesn’t know that you have to permanently delete text messages. In his deleted messages I found an exchange between him and a man that was paying him for sex. Shock doesn’t begin to cover it. He claimed it was for the family, but eventually admitted that he had a ONS with anonymous man from grindr a year prior. That was the extent, he claimed. We began IC in addition to MC.
Dday 3: Jan. 12th
I downloaded all the data from his apps to see what I could find that had been deleted. I gave him the chance to come clean before I dug through it, and out it all came. Grindr, Tinder, Snapchat, Onlyfans. An addiction that has spanned 12 years.
I am married to a sex addict. He says that it’s not the same person who does these things that is married to me- or at least that’s how he viewed it in the past. An alter ego, a second identity, i don’t know. Common with sex addicts I am discovering in my research. Reconciling the addict with the man I love has left me in a place where I don’t know my reality.
Since the beginning I’ve given no promises of staying, only that I gave myself a timeline to make a decision and make sure I give myself enough time to process everything.
Other than the lying and minimizing after each new discovery, I have no complaints about how diligently he has worked on himself and our marriage. The sex addiction diagnosis (from our therapist on the 16th) truly came as a shock to him as well as myself. I’m truly at a loss for what the right road is.
It would be so cut and dry if he were this awful, abusive partner or if our sweet babies didn’t live in such a happy home. Even still, we don’t argue. We don’t yell at each other. We don’t say hurtful things no matter how high the emotions are. Our girls see a mother and a father in love. I know they can tell a difference in me, and can see that I am more easily frustrated and triggered at my WH. But the thought of breaking up my family, the thought of sharing time with them, is awful.
I know I want to see my WH through 12 steps, because if I leave him now I worry he will fall into a darkness he won’t be able to get up from- our therapist agrees. For our kids, I can do that. And I love him, god I love him so much STILL. And i know he loves me. I know the reason he wants to reconcile is because he knows he will lose the love of his life. He doesn’t want a fractured relationship with his kids, but he knows he would still have them. It’s me he doesn’t want to lose…
I know I’m leaving so much out. I KNOW how I sound. Trust me, I’ve spent hours in therapy trying to parse through if I’m just in denial or coping through imagining how wonderful he is to me and the kids. But my IC, who is also our MC agrees that he is sincere and loves me so much. She said she sees his remorse, and encourages me that she thinks if we keep trying she truly thinks we can reconcile.
Being the spouse of a sex addict is uncharted waters for me. I don’t know what it means for myself, or for him. I need a community I think. Does anyone else have any experience with this?
What helped you get through it? Any book recommendations?
For the record, I’m not focusing on him and his journey anymore. If he really wants to recover from this addiction then he will do the work, but I’m suffering PTSD symptoms. I’m on meds- a lot of them and they help. But I don’t know where to go from here. I’m continuing IC and MC.
Thanks for reading, and I’m so sorry any of us are here. This is the worst pain I’ve ever experienced and that’s saying something honestly.
EDIT: To my knowledge, there has been no infidelity of any kind since I found out about the physical infidelity in September. My gut tells me he hasn’t, and there’s no proof he has. I’m not sure if Dday is the right acronym or if it’s technically a trickle truth situation.
[This message edited by momofthree94 at 3:16 PM, Monday, January 20th]