13 days in and holding on ok.
I have seen a divorce lawyer, paid a retainer, changed my will and organised to have our family home to be changed from joint owners to tenants in common until it is sold. Been to my GP and had the STI panel done. Sleep is terrible, but I think it will come right, if not I will get something to help.
Communication with STBXH seems to be still ok as long as I don't tell him any home truths. He says he is seeing a counselor next week and has no desire to contact OW. I said he can do whatever he likes so it is not relevant to me anymore as he has made his choice. Last time with the threat of marriage on the line and seeing my trauma he managed 3 months. There is none of those things at play this time so it is probably still happening and he is lying. But I need to stop focusing on that.
However you are not obligated to D him. You can accept him for exactly who and what he is. And still live a happy life but just know he will continue to lie and cheat. That is his MO and if you are willing to accept it, your life can be perfectly happy.
My brother asked me if I had considered this. It's not for me. Whilst it would be easier on the financial front for both of us, it would be more beneficial to him medium and long term than me. Marriage/relationship is about so much more than financial security to me - that is probably near the bottom. If I did do this, it would also preclude me from forming any other relationship - unlikely though it is.
I am back at work next week, telling people is so hard. The sympathy and empathy I find I struggle to deal with. Even from my closest friends. Fortunately we only have a few friends in common these days. It was hard last time as they never knew he was a cheater, keeping what was the biggest thing in our lives a secret made me feel like I was living a lie too. I really am only still close to the ones who knew. Most of my friends are my own which makes it simpler.
I am avoiding pain shopping as much as possible, trying to not get upset at things that I hear eg STBXH's sister rang our 3 kids to support them, she told my younger son that she doesn't hold anything against me! My son was so angry, not at her but at his father because he knew the lies he must be peddling. I will need to find strategies to deal with this kind of thing and not drive me crazy with anger.
That said lets focus on you. You fear loneliness. Please do not. Being alone is not a crime, sin, or even a bad thing. You now get to do whatever you want whenever you want. This means if you don't feel like cooking dinner you don't, and if you want popcorn and beer for dinner you can, and no one will judge.
Thank you TN. Cooking has become something my older son has joked about, STBXH has a severe allergy to eggs. So I have never cooked with them til now, now my elder son looks at the meals and grins as he asks how may eggs I have managed to use in them? My record is 6!
[This message edited by avicarswife at 6:22 PM, Wednesday, February 9th]