How can you forget and move on?
How to forget about the cheating gf totally? I just thought today she never loved me at all, as all the happy memories I could think of us, she did with her cheating partner too (I have proof, anything from dinner, outing, hiking, she did all those with that guy too). If no memory is sacred means she never respected me. So why should I remember her at all. I need to forget her completely asap. My studies and work are getting impacted, I can't sleep at all at night, having insane mood swings and am lonely and having thought about her being happy when I'm miserable.
7 comments posted: Thursday, January 30th, 2025
Please can someone tell me when the pain stops
I have told my cheating ex that we can't get back together anyway and have told myself to never take back a cheater. But we stay on the same campus, share one class, and also work at the same lab time, so practically we need to stay in contact for work or by chance meet-ups till I finish my degree next June. So I can't just black out block her till June, as there may be lab-related urgency. But how to let go of loneliness and pain and void. Being on a residential campus, we used to spend almost the whole day together in some way. Now I have so much but don't want to do anything. The worst time is after sleeping (can't sleep more than 2-3 hrs and see her or cheating related staff in vivid dreams and nightmares from the day of the reveal); I feel like crying after waking up and starts thinking about how I trusted her and she was out there having sex with someone not me, how they planned it while I went to sleep saying goodnight, and also for multiple hours I just sit there in bed like a sobbing doll; I can't cry, time doesn't pass, etc. The worst thing is it's impacting my work. Can't seem to work or study at all. I open my PC, stare at it blankly, and then close it again. Please, those who've experienced this, help me overcome this.
12 comments posted: Tuesday, January 28th, 2025
Help me reject the cheater as my mental might be weak
My gf cheated multiple times with same guy. When I came to know even then as I loved her I wanted to give her 2nd chance, and told her to cut contact with him. She's still talking to him. So I told her I can't stay with her. Now she's keep texting me and calling me. After 3 times I caught the call. Hearing her voice crying making me weak. Please guide me how to stay strong and not take back the cheater because of momentary weakness.
2 comments posted: Friday, January 24th, 2025