Newest Member: survivinglies104


How to access the investigative forum?

I have the number up required posts and an upgraded subscription, what else do I have to do? I had sent a message on the site but no response yet.

2 comments posted: Wednesday, August 2nd, 2023

Attempting Reconciliation-Post Nup Question

My original post is in the General Forums about red flags. I suspect that my wife has cheated and I blew any chance I had of really gathering proof because I came out of the gate right way. I wish I had known about this forum sooner.

She has sworn that she has never been unfaithful and I just don't believe her. I don't want to break up my family unless I have proof, which may not happen. I was thinking though of telling her that we will need to have attorneys draft a post nuptial agreement that would basically say that if either spouse has or does commit infidelity then the divorce settlement would be heavily favored financially to the non cheating spouse.

We will be empty nesters in 2 years and I feel she may be just waiting until they are gone and then I would see what was really up. I figure if she has cheated she will not want to sign anything and if she hasn't why not. Would also benefit her financially in case of infidelity on my part.

Anyone ever done something like this or have any feed back?

22 comments posted: Saturday, July 29th, 2023

I believe spouse has cheated, no proof but plenty of red flags (moved to General)

  This Topic has been moved to General

0 comment posted: Saturday, June 10th, 2023

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