Newest Member: stanka303


Me: BS 50ish and faithful Him: WH 50ish and 3 EA's Married 2011 First met: 1984; reconnected 2009 1st DD: Oct 30, 2012 2nd DD: May 30, 2014 Final DD: Aug 28, 2014

text to old phone number

periodically I check his cell phone use. ATT "usage since last bill". I just checked because he was on the phone a lot late last night. I did verify an former coworker died.

BUT what showed up on the report were several texts to the phone number that was HIS cell phone number when he lived in another state. It used to be on the same cell account but he quit using it and turned it off.

so can anyone look it up and see who it belongs to now?

0 comment posted: Friday, September 4th, 2015

How do I link ICloud?

How do I go about linking WH Icloud with mine?

3 comments posted: Monday, August 31st, 2015

Does Dr Fone require jailbreak?

Just need a quick answer

1 comment posted: Thursday, January 15th, 2015

Want to ask WH to read "Not Just Friends"

I have read most of this in the last two years after the first DD. WH now accepts his EA was an EA and was always wrong. Has anyone read this with their WS and was it helpful? Specifically in relation to an EA?

31 comments posted: Tuesday, September 30th, 2014

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