Newest Member: GettingThere08


Stacked Threads

Stacked threads always amuse me.

I just saw this one in OT:

Where can I buy 1share of stock?

...followed by.....

Buying marijuana/hemp stocks

1 comment posted: Thursday, January 3rd, 2019

Jif-4, EvenKeel 0

Good grief - I have a mouse in my attic.

No biggie - this happens each year when the weather turns cold.

HOWEVER, this year I have to add him to the grocery bill.

I thought my trap was just old, so I bought new ones. I set all four using peanut butter. The mouse managed to eat all the peanut butter while setting off traps and not getting caught.

I have now bought a different type(the round ones where they get trapped inside) but I fear he is so fat from peanut butter....that he won't fit in the hole!

Whatelse could I do....except name him Jif.

21 comments posted: Thursday, December 18th, 2014

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