My reconciliation path definitely was not linear. I didn't even know if I wanted to reconcile for the first couple of years. My youngest was about to enter high school, and I figured I could kick the can down the road for a few years...and see what I wanted then. Looking back, fear weighed in on my decision-making, but after my first few months of 'pick me', and the shifty results, I had a shift in attitude.
I always considered my wife the 'better' half. I married up, and she was on a pedestal that she didn't ask to be put on. After Dday, that changed. I was the 'one-up'. There wasn't a sentence she could say that I didn't have a wise-ass remark ready to go. Sometimes I bit my tongue; sometimes not. I held the moral high ground, at least in my mind, and my choices reflected such.
It wasn't for a few years, especially after 2015, that I saw how sincere she was. I didn't abuse her prior, other than a reasonable amount of neglect, but the 'actions over time' formula was starting to have it's affect on me. She was more than welcome to divorce any time prior, but she didn't, and I don't believe that it was (1) fear of losing her lifestyle, or (2) feeling that she had to stay as penance. I believe she wanted to stay because she wanted me and the marriage.
By this point, I wanted the closeness that we once had. I had to get uncomfortable and vulnerable to get back to a pre-affair type marriage. Those punishing thoughts/comments disappeared. I didn't feel the need to bring up the affair. The only times it got brought up was when she did so to reiterate her apologies. I had ONE INCIDENT in 2020 that rankled me, but I was aware that I might have some issues around that time. Otherwise, it has been a good marriage once again.
Everything externally has shown that I forgive my wife, except for the fact that something inside me says that is not the case. That's why I say it's a *me* issue, but I don't really think it's a fault. Just a feeling I can't/won't let go of.
2 boys
Married over 30yrs.
All work and no play has just cost me my wife--Gary PuckettD-Day(s): EnoughAccepting that I can/may end this marriage 7/2/14